Valentim R. Alferes, 2012
University of Coimbra


Methods of Randomization in Experimental Design: Companion Website


Social, Behavioral, and Educational
Sciences Standards

Health Sciences Standards
(Medicine, Pharmacology, and Related Disciplines)

Reporting Randomized Experiments


APA Publications and Communications Board Working Group on Journal Article Reporting Standards. (2008). Reporting standards for research in psychology: Why do we need them? What might they be? American Psychologist, 63, 839-851. doi: 10.1037/0003-066X.63.9.839

American Psychological Association (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

§   Appendix - Journal Article Reporting Standards (JARS), Meta-Analysis Reporting Standards (MARS), and Flow of Participants Through Each Stage of an Experiment or Quasi-Experiment (2010)

Wilkinson, L., & Task Force on Statistical Inference (1999). Statistical methods in psychology journals: Guidelines and explanations. American Psychologist, 54, 594-604.


American Sociological Association (1999). Code of ethics and policies and procedures of the ASA Committee on Professional Ethics. Washington, DC: Author.

[See Standard 13 - Research Planning, Implementation, and Dissemination]


American Educational Research Association. (2006). Standards for reporting on empirical social science research in AERA publications. Educational Researcher, 35(6), 33–40.

§    Definition of Scientifically Based Research (2008)

American Academy of Political and Social Science

Boutron, I., John, P., & Torgerson, D. J. (2010). Reporting methodological items in randomized experiments in political science. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 628(1), 112-131.
doi: 10.1177/0002716209351518


Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials

Schulz, K. F., Altman, D. G., & Moher, D. (2010). CONSORT 2010 statement: Updated guidelines for reporting parallel group randomized trials. PLoS Medecine, 7(3): 1-7. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1000251

§   CONSORT 2010 Flow Diagram

§   CONSORT 2010 Checklist of Information to
Include When Reporting a Randomised Trial

Moher, D., Hopewell, S., Schulz, K. F., Montori, V., Gøtzsche, P. C., Devereaux, P. J., Elbourne, D., Egger, M., & Altman, D. G. (2010). CONSORT 2010 Explanation and Elaboration: Updated guidelines for reporting parallel group randomised trials. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 63, e1-e37. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2010.03.004

Zwarenstein, M., Treweek, S., Gagnier, J. J., Altman, D. G., Tunis, S., Haynes, B., Oxman, A. D., & Moher, D. (2008). Improving the reporting of pragmatic trials: An extension of the CONSORT statement. British Medical Journal, 337, a2390-a2397. doi: 10.1136/bmj.a2390

Campbell, M. K., Elbourne, D. R., & Altman, D. G. (2004). CONSORT statement: Extension to cluster randomised trials. British Medical Journal, 328, 702-708. doi:10.1136/bmj.328.7441.702

§   CONSORT 2004 Checklist for Cluster RCT

Moher D., Schulz, K. F., & Altman, D. G. (2001). The CONSORT statement: Revised recommendations for improving the quality of reports of parallel-group randomized trials. Lancet, 357, 1191-1994.

§   CONSORT 2001 Flow Diagram

§   CONSORT 2001 Checklist of Information to
Include When Reporting a Randomised Trial

Altman, D. G., Schulz, K. F., Moher, D., Egger, M., Davidoff, F., Elbourne, D., Gøtzsche, P. C., & Lang, T. (2001). The revised CONSORT statement for reporting randomized trials: Explanation and elaboration. Annals of Internal Medicine, 134(8), 663–694.

Begg, C., Cho, M., Eastwood, S., Horton, R., Moher, D., Olkin, I., Pitkin, R., Rennie, D., Schulz, K. F., Simel, D., & Stroup, D. F. (1996). Improving the quality of reporting of randomized controlled trials: The CONSORT statement. JAMA, 276(8), 637-639.

§   CONSORT 1996 Flow Diagram

§   CONSORT 1996 Checklist of Information to
Include When Reporting a Randomised Trial


Reporting Standards (General & Complementary References)                                                Ethical Codes


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